Re: Amaya handling of Java script

Well, if the Amaya team intended Amaya to be a full-feature browser, this
would make sense.  At this time, though, they seem to be focusing on the
editing features, so that Amaya is very useful for browsing Amaya pages, but
less so for browsing non-Amaya pages (almost all of which violate some part
of the spec).  But it does serve another, higher purpose: spreading the word
about the idea of the editor/browser, which I wish the Mozilla and IE folks
would heed.

Patrick Rourke
Massachusetts (no affiliation with W3C)

> Is there any plan to make it handle javascript, and if so, what is the
> timeframe? Clearly, if this is to become a browser that is commonly used,
> it should, then this problem, while minor is  worth addressing.
> Etienne

Received on Saturday, 6 May 2000 22:18:35 UTC