I found various "unexpected behaviour" in Amaya v3.1

I found various "unexpected behaviour" in Amaya v3.1

I wanted to use the SHIFT kwy pllus the cursor keys to select
several complete lines, and it produces very weird behaviour
(i tried hard to find a more detailled descrioption, but it is so
complex than i just send this email and will tell you more if you ask
for more! to sum up:
  "descending selection", when the cursor is in the 1st column (=before 
  the 1st char) : Selects the link (not the whole line), then 2 lines,
  then one link, then 2 lines, then several lines, etc, etc...

  "descending selection", when the cursor is NOT in the 1st column (=in 
  some position in the line) : Selects precisely one line+a supplementary
  chart for the 1st press on [cursor down], then exactly 1 line for any
  supplemental press on [cursor down]! (and it is even more weird depending
  if the position where the cursor would end on the next line is in a text
  or just at the end of a link, or in some separators...)

  "ascending selection" (for exemple, i selected several lines, then use the
  [cursor up] to deselect 1 line at a time: it deselect exactly 1 line MINUS
  1 char!

  I can send you more detailled descrition if you think it's worth something
  but i fear it can be difficult to trace and correct (and perhaps it comes
  from some "standart function" in Win98? or it can;'t be corrected if you
  took a non-wysiwyg approach of the display, etc...)

  ask me for any detailled description (much more clear than these ones ;^)

   regards,   olivier. (PS: i'm french, but don't know if you speak french.

olivier.dulac@neptune.fr  (or: beyonder@neptune.fr)          
Snail-mail:  5 rue musset, lot. bourboulion
             38490 Saint andre le Gaz  (France)
       tel: (33)4-74-88-10-54
on IRC:  Edhel-Dil, on any Undernet server
job: http://www.mindworks.fr/living_statues

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 02:49:11 UTC