Re: amaya 3.1 dumps core, illegal instruction, on exit


I never met this bug and nobody mentioned it, but I never tested the 6.2.
The error could occur when the same free function is called twice.
I suggest you to add the marked line in Amaya/thotlib/dialogue/font.c:

1399	#else /* _GTK */
1400			  /* remove the indicator */
1401			  if (TtPatchedFont[i])
1402			    TtPatchedFont[i] = 0;
1403			  XFreeFont (TtDisplay, (XFontStruct *) TtFonts[i]);
1404	#endif /* _GTK */
1405	#endif /* _WINDOWS */
1406			  TtFonts[i] = NULL;
                          TtFontFrames[i] = 0;
1407		       }

Let me know if it works and perhaps give me an example of a warning at the 
compile time.

Received on Thursday, 27 April 2000 06:31:44 UTC