stylesheets inconsistancy

The w3 group has been promoting style sheets as a 
way of getting a more consistant presentation of 
However practice is far from theory.......
I have a simple style sheet that sets up 
BOTH a background color and a transparent gif
to do a fancy left margin .......
what do i get with latst browsers
i.e. 5.0  does both gif and background color correctly
         [score a win for the evil empire on this one]
netscape 4.7 displays the gif but uses my browser 
         default color.  
amaya 2.4 displays the gif but not transparently so
        the color that wasmade transparent shows up

well this tells me to make sure i use stylesheets on 
demo pages only ..... the browsers just aren't ready
yet for predictable results with style sheets ...... 
good thing i can do all i need to do with frames and
background settings

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA


Received on Saturday, 18 December 1999 09:17:27 UTC