Amaya 1.4a (Win95) opinion


I've tried Amaya several times, and it's becoming a great piece of software.
I'm using it in Windows95 in 640x480 resolution. There are some things I
don't like on it, and some questions I'd like to ask.

1. It's usual to make selectiong using Shift + directional keys (incl. PgDn,
PgUp, Home, End).

2. When I open a new window, the most of it is beyond the border of screen.

3. Horizontal scroll bar doesn't work properly in Windows.

4. A "lang" attribute is not shown in structure view.

5. Is it possible to jump to hte beginning/end of a document using keyboard?
Ctrl-PgUp/Ctrl-PgDn don't work, and I haven't found corresponding command in
the available command list in Amaya manual.

6. It would be nice to have source code view. It would be similar to the
structure view, but showing the document in a way text editor shows html
source code.

7. Does Amaya support frames? It would be nice to be able to modify frameset
document (enabling scrollbars, allowing resizing of frames etc.)

8. There should be automatic conversion between system and document
character set (as enabled in Lynx web browser, for example), so I could
create ISO Latin-2 documents in Windows using CP1250 character set.

9. Dialogue language files should contain an information about used
character set, so I could create cz* files using ISO Latin-2. Currently it's
possible only in ISO Latin-1.

Tomas Valusek

Received on Sunday, 28 March 1999 05:31:59 UTC