Well, the table from hell no longer is the kiss of death...

Congratulations!  I just installed 1.2a on my laptop.

The installation is now as simple as any commercial software!

It now is much faster than Netscape composer to type new material into
a cell of the table!  Formatting and layout are doing very much better!

Remaining complaint (so far): when you page down initially onto one of the
giant tables in http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Issues/, it takes a long
time to format the table.... (15 seconds on my 133mhz Win95 laptop).  I
suspect it is paging from the fact the disk is busy during the delay, and
this may be due to using lots of memory.  (my laptop only has 24 meg).

We'll see now that I can use it in anger how really good it is...

In any case, great progress...
				- Jim

Received on Friday, 27 March 1998 12:57:12 UTC