Can Amaya-Java run applets on solaris2?

Dear Amaya People,

I downloaded Amaya-Java Beta1.1c (amaya-java-src-1.1c.tar.gz) and used
the following step to build and install Amaya-java on Sun Sparc20
running Solaris2:
(1) cd Target
     ../configure --enable-java --prefix=<my local directory>
(2) gnumake all
(3) make install

In (3), some errors occured because when "make install" in Target/amaya,
some AMAYAFILES(COPYRIGHT.html, HTML.trans, HTML.en, and all
the DICOFILES and FONTSFILES couldn't be found. So I commented those
make commands.

So my Amaya-Java was installed. But both
<my local directory>/share/thot/applis/bin/amaya
can't run Java applets. Whenever it met a Java applet in HTML page, it
will display the alternate text instead. So does Amaya-Java support Java
applets? Or I've made some mistake in building and installing it?

Any advice will be highly appreciated!


  Yu Zhang                    Email:
  Dept. of Computer Science   Tel: (607)255-2219(O)
  Cornell University               (607)266-7326(H)

Received on Thursday, 26 March 1998 02:55:07 UTC