Current bugs in amay 1.2 LINUX-ELF

Hi, I've now installed amaya 1.2 LINUX-ELF on my system (glibc 2.06,
PPro running kernel 2.1.85), and I like it much better than the previous
version :)  The layout (e.g. with tables) seems to be much improved. 
However, I still found some bugs.  Here are a few:

Scrolling still doesn't work well.  The horizontal scroll bar doesn't
work.  Also, if I am near the top of the page, and I go up one page,
amaya will sometimes go beyond the top of the page.

Also, amaya does not handle "<a name="asdf"></a>" gracefully.  For one
example, look at
"".  This looks
strange, and you will see why if you use the structure view.  Amaya has
made LOTS of <a name> elements, instead of the original ONE in the
source code.

In this example, amaya draw two lists on top of each other:

  <TITLE>List of Questions</TITLE>

  <li><h4>What is the exact meaning of the word "Ultimate?"</h4>
  I'm not sure, but its completely socially constructed.  Futhermore
  this word represents a concept, and so illustrates the fact that
  everything we say is just one way of looking at things.  However,
  this way of looking at concepts is not just one way among many, but
  is the only way for all non-arrogant people.

<a name="how"></a><h3>Why do dogs like fire hydrants?</h3>
  Since all answers are equally correct (being socially constructed),
  we asked an informant from the idyllic !Kung tribe.  However, we
  forgot the interpreter, so we "constructed" the following answer:
  Once upon a time a man went to the store.  At the store he bought a
  large watermelon.  The vodka is strong but the meat is rotten.

--------------------------end temp.shtml--------------------

Lastly, along with the scrolling problems, amaya also sometimes redraws
things incorrectly, or fails to redraw images when amaya is brought out
from under another window.  Unfortunately, this is hard to reproduce...


Received on Friday, 6 February 1998 08:20:07 UTC