Re: problem of amaya

First, thank you for your answers.
-----¿øº≫ ¸Þ½AAo-----
º¸³½ ≫c¶÷: Irene VATTON <>
¹Þ´A ≫c¶÷: Nova <>
AuA¶: amaya <>
³?A¥: 1998³a 4¿u 23AI ¸n¿aAI ¿AEA 3:51
A|¸n: Re: problem of amaya

>In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 03 Feb 1998 12:36:33 +0900."
>             <01bd3054$edf849a0$>
>> hello.
>> i use amaya 1.2a version.
>> but it has many problem.
>> i describe some of them.
>> one is that accessing speed for internet is very slow.
>This concerns the http implementation. Amaya uses the libwww http 1.1
>I think that the access speed depends on the server protocol level.
>Do you know if this occurs with a specific server or if is it slow with all
I tested some servers.
amaya accessed them a little quickly except one server.
but amaya did not accessed my math bbs properly well.
amaya accessed bbs and stopped and accessed and stopped.
that is, amaya  accessed bbs very slowly.
some case is that amaya accessed bbs for a little time and
stopped with a message "can't access server"
but IE4.0 accessed my bbs very quickly.
whY? Why?
Why amaya access my bbs very slowly?
how can i  check my using server's http version?
i don't  know.
my bbs's address is
please visit my math bbs and then you will understand my word.
give me a solution for this problem.
i want to use my math bbs with amaya quickly.
>> and one is that it do not support frame.
>Frames are not part of the strict HTML 4.0 DTD. We're internally discussing
>we have to support them or not. WAI people doesn't agree with this feature.
what is the meaning of this statement? i don't understand.
>> and one is that its color is very strange,
>> i tried to change color, but did not work properly.=20
>> why?
>On what platform Unix or Windows?
i use win95
>> i want that developer of amaya repair these problems.
>> as the last, i like amaya since it is first mathml
>> browser.=20
>Could you
>  Irene.

Received on Saturday, 25 April 1998 00:58:29 UTC