Re: Amaya/Arena

Hi Joshua,

If you want to use only the Amaya HTML parser, I suggest you to
start from the small application html2piv.
This application compiles the parser module of Amaya hmtl2thot.c
with the flag STANDALONE to only build a Thot document (no display
functions are connected to the parser in this case).
The Amaya parser checks the HTML syntax and connects a function to 
each element or attribute. In this application, the connected functions
create Thot components.
In fact the Amaya HTML parser is quite complex because we try to accept
and transform invalid structures.

In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 11 Nov 1997 17:04:23 -0600."
> World Wide Web Consurtum:
> I am working on an embedded system that needs to make use of a HTML 
> parser.  I downloaded you Amaya1.1b and have been working with it for 
> some time now.  I have had some trouble just isolating the parser portion.
> In you documentation you describe each portion of the browser as modular, 
> suggesting that I could just take out the Parser module and use it for my 
> embedded system.  It appears as though ParseHTML.c is the file 
> containing most of the functionality for the parser but it is not 
> modular.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Please e-mail any 
> help that you could offer regarding just the use of the HTML parser to 
> Thank You W3C,
> Joshua Gammon  


Received on Wednesday, 12 November 1997 03:46:01 UTC