win95 & finding the start of Amaya

I believe I will take a different tack then trying to get the .mak files
to work for a couple of days. I normally expect in a win95 program to
find the program entry point at the function WinMain() [as opposed to
main() in a standard C program]. I can't grep either. I try to find
CreateWindow() which is the win95 function that creates a window and it
doesn't grep. I studied init.c and can't seem to find any reference to
InitAmaya() outside of that file.

Now the question. Where is amaya initialized from in the source code?
Can you point me to the place where the Visual C compiler would place
WinMain()? Who calls InitAmaya()? [and conversely, who calls
AmayaClose()?] If you could point me into the source for the place where
win95 meets amaya/thot/libwww, I would be able to attempt to discern how
it fits together so I can figure out why it doesn't compile.

Thank you again.          

Charles Krinke
FAX (714) 645-0208
Newport Beach, California, USA

Received on Thursday, 25 September 1997 00:34:18 UTC