libwww & amaya

I have downloaded the libwww source and am able to compile the command
line and line mode examples up to a point. (I am trying to compile the
examples first before tackling amaya to make sure I can create the .DLL
files). The compilation aborts at the first of the .lib files that are
needed, specifically wwwapp.lib. I don't seem to find where wwwapp.lib
is created from.

The libwww created by tar from the amaya.tar file seems strangely
sparce. Perhaps the tar process is getting me there also. Until I
understand that, I am trying to compile the version 4.1 libwww until I
can get the versio 5.0 complete in a directory structure.

I see java referenced. Is the java sdk from sun needed and if so, what
invocations and incantations are necessary to fondle the amaya sources.

Charles Krinke
FAX (714) 645-0208
Newport Beach, CA, USA

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 1997 11:32:29 UTC