Re: Amaya

> *** Errors in
> line 23, char 96: Missing semicolon

This message tells you that the HTML file you have loaded contains an error.
Line 23 in this file is:

LessTif is the <a href="">Hungry Programmers</a>' version 
of OSF/Motif&reg.

entity &reg should be terminated by a semicolon. The semicolon may
be omitted only if the entity is followed by a space or record end.
Here, it is followed by a period.
Don't worry, Amaya recovers from such errors, but if you are interested
in producing syntactically correct HTML documents, you can fix the error.

> Thot tool kit error: attribute element mismatch
> This happened when it was trying to parse after
> going there from, but I can't
> reproduce it.  I also got it when going from Help|Browsing to Links.html
> via the "create links" hotlink once, but I can't reproduce it there,
> either.

I can't reproduce it either...

> ... and there are numerous miscellaneous quibbles about usability which
> probably aren't important, unless you intend people to use the browser.

If you have time to report on these quibbles, the Amaya team would be
glad to consider how to improve usability.

> My impression is that it's intended for experimenting with the latest,
> greatest experimental web stuff, not to be used by a significant number of
> people.

Yes, our goal is to experiment and demonstrate new web stuff.  But to allow
people to make experiments and to run demos, usability is important too.

> I haven't tried the editor functionality.

I would encourage you to try. We have put the emphasis on that functionality
and we are solliciting comments and feedback on it.


Vincent Quint                       INRIA Rhone-Alpes
W3C/INRIA                           ZIRST
e-mail:        655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 62             38330 Montbonnot St Martin
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             France

Received on Thursday, 18 September 1997 13:38:28 UTC