Amaya 0.95b Linux-ELF

Phil Howard (
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 07:03:09 -0600

The version I am using is the pre-compiled Linux-ELF. I installed in
/usr/local/app/amaya-0.95b with /usr/local/app/amaya being a symlink
to the former name.

The program starts up and tries to run, and in fact keeps on running
without any crash or hang, but the following error messages are emitted
on the console where it was started:

Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32
Don't know how to format image for display of depth 32

and the display does not show a document. Yes, indeed, my X windows
and video board are in a 32-bit color video mode. So I assume that
color depth isn't coded in, yet.

Switching X to 8 bit video mode gives better results in that the
documents get displayed. These (32 and 8) are the only video mode
color depths I have pre-configured. Should it work in 16-bit or
24-bit modes? I can set up for that if it would be expected to

More stuff:

The -geometry option on the command line is not obeyed to set the
window size or position on startup.

Entering a host name only is not recognized and converted to URL.

Tables have a lot of work to be done. See the URL:

Phil Howard KA9WGN   |        Ever wonder who the confused really are?
Linux Consultant     |                   BOYCOTT MCDONALDS!
Milepost Services    |
phil at |