Amaya exposure problem ...

I now have the line

BODY { magnification : 1 }

in my .amaya.css file to enlarge the font size.

I am experiencing a problem with Amaya on Solaris 2.5 with CDE in that often
pages do not display after Amaya prints "Finished!" in the left bottom corner.
I don't think I saw this problem before enlarging the fonts.

Amaya prints something like :
"Position relative to a dead boxline 4, char 7: Unexpected end tag </HEAD>
line 563, char 7: Unexpected end tag </BODY>"
or some other gripe.

In order to get Amaya to display anything in its text window, I need to either
re-size the window or cause an exposure event by temporarily obscuring the
Amaya window with another window.  Using the window managers "refresh" option
is not effective.

It is almost as if Amaya is waiting for an event that never happens.

Does anyone have a workaround for this bug?


Bob Friesenhahn (Home)       (Work)              (On BIX)

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 1997 15:40:43 UTC