Re: Amaya and server side includes directives

Jean-Michel Augusto wrote:
> 	The text tag is not implemented I think. If yes, I did not succeed in 
> making it work. Is this tag working for someone or should I wait for 
> this tag to become a standard ?

The text tag is currently only a proposal, though we will be implementing
various kludges to make it work (initially at Keio University) and making
them publically available with the hope that the W3C will eventually
endorse it and browser authors will implement it.

> 	Is there another way to allow this kind of edition?

We are also working on other methods including one using the <IMG> tag.

Share and enjoy,
		*** Xanni ***
--                         Andrew Pam                   Technical VP, Xanadu                   Technical Editor, Glass Wings                   Manager, Serious Cybernetics
P.O. Box 26, East Melbourne VIC 8002 Australia  Phone +61 3 96511511

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 1997 18:27:31 UTC