Re: Amaya 1.0a Beta public release SUN4

Irene VATTON wrote:
> In-reply-to: Your message of Mon, 12 May 1997 10:09:02 +0200."
>              <9705120809.AA24862@sparc6>
> > i get the following error log:
> >
> > Thot tool kit error: cannot load pschema
> > Any ideas?
> Yes. The presentation schema (Thot/amaya/HTMLP.PRS) is missing or is > > corrupted.
> In this case Amaya cannot display any document.
> Can you check this file ?
> Regards
>   Irene.

I've checked for a difference between the two files Thot/amaya/HTMLP.PRS
distributed with the SUN-java (no such problem) and the non-java. They
differed. After copying the file from the java-version into the
non-java, there was no difference, so the problem must reside somewhere

Ulrich Backes

Received on Tuesday, 13 May 1997 09:02:27 UTC