Re: Patch for base_am_lib.xml 1.182, base_am_msg.xml 1.332

Quoting Masaya Ootsuki <>:

> Hello, readers!
> This attached a patch file for...
>  base_am_msg.xml	1 Dec 2009 15:29:57 -0000	1.332
>  base_am_lib.xml	10 Dec 2009 16:27:28 -0000	1.182
> Description
> 1. replace strings "&lt;%s>" to "&lt;%s&gt;"
> 2. replace strings ""url"" to "&quot;uri&quot;"
> 3. found mistakes, on Japanese translation. (experimental
>    emendation)
> 4. additional Japanese translation. (experimental)

Thanks for this patch. I have not tested, but I wonder what is the rationale for
the two first changes? Have you run into some problems that should be fixed in
this way? I think a ">" does not make the XML document invalid. For the second
one, the unescaped quote character is correct in the XML document, but I don't
know whether it causes problems once translated into the C sources.

> Please, referee readings.
> --
> Name;   Masaya Ootsuki.
> Web;

Received on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 15:48:06 UTC