Portuguese translation needed

Could someone translate these dialogs

pt-amayadialogue:15 **&Bookmarks
pt-amayadialogue:177 **Show SVG Library
pt-amayadialogue:178 **Add selection in SVG Library
pt-amayadialogue:179 **XML elements...
pt-amayadialogue:213 **&Browsing...
pt-amayadialogue:233 **Bookmark File
pt-amayadialogue:234 **Edit Topics
pt-amayadialogue:235 **View Bookmarks
pt-amayamsg:77 **Saving will save following images too?
pt-amayamsg:179 **Enable line-by-line paste
pt-amayamsg:186 **Browsing Preferences
pt-amayamsg:187 **Load images
pt-amayamsg:328 **Timeline
pt-amayamsg:329 **SVG Library
pt-amayamsg:330 **Copy option
pt-amayamsg:331 **Copy selection
pt-amayamsg:332 **Refer to selection
pt-amayamsg:333 **Add new model into library
pt-amayamsg:334 **URL of the new SVG file ...
pt-amayamsg:335 **Library title
pt-amayamsg:336 **Library URL
pt-amayamsg:337 **Create library
pt-amayamsg:338 **Browse library
pt-amayamsg:339 **Create or search library
pt-amayamsg:340 **The current selection not contain only SVG elements. Please reselect
pt-amayamsg:341 **The library title is mandatory
pt-amayamsg:342 **Move the position cursor in edited document to define a new key position...
pt-amayamsg:343 **Key position defined. Move the slider to define animation duration...
pt-amayamsg:344 **Select starting color of element...
pt-amayamsg:345 **Starting color defined. Move the slider to define animation duration...
pt-amayamsg:346 **Select ending color...
pt-amayamsg:347 **Animation defined.
pt-amayamsg:348 **Animated attribute
pt-amayamsg:349 **Element without id

 Thanks in advance
Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
e-mail: Irene.Vatton@inria.fr       655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Friday, 11 April 2003 06:23:26 UTC