Re: Mathml

On Saturday 07 October 2006 13:39, fwsmail35 wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for your help, I continued a little the functions for the
> panel, but I have still some questions.
> 1) Organization of the panel
>     I looked at Panel_SpeChar.xrc in order to change the organisation of
> the MathML palette, but I think I need to make function that refresh the
> panel when you select a subsection. I ignore where and how to do this,
> maybe in AmayaMATHMLPanel.cpp ?

It should be done in AmayaMATHMLPanel.cpp following the AmayaSpeCharPanel.cpp  

> For the moment, I prefer making new 
> functions that generate MathML code in MathEdit.c, except if it can be
> done easily. By the way, I see a table "mIcons" in MathEdit.c, but I
> don't know if I have to complete it ?


> 2) The debug mode
>     Altough I follow your instructions, I don't succeed in activating
> the debug mode. I first tried "configure --with-debug" but this does not
> change the options file. So I manually edit with
> "-DAMAYA_DEBUG" at the AMAYA_OPTIONS= but when I do "Help -> about",
> nothing happens except the information window. Is it normal ? I don't
> find tree.debug or the other files you mentionned. It is a shame, as I
> can't really know neither the structure of the tree, nor if there are
> bugs in the constructions.

When you change options, you have to remove the current Options file.
If the dump is not generated, you have to remove the HTMLhistory.o object 
file, or touch the HTMLhistory.c source file.

> 3) Put symbols and text in trees
>     I use what was done for the Sigma symbol, but I don't know precisely
> the type CHAR_T. It seems that when the value of a special character is 
> too large, the symbol is replaced by a square. About the text like in
> "id" or "True", I use a table of CHAR_T but it isn't very convenient...
> I suppose there are others ways to put a string in the tree ?

CHAR_T is equivalent to wchar_t (a wide character).
You have functions that work with "CHAR_T" characters:
TtaGiveBufferContent and TtaSetBufferContent.

and functions that work with (UTF-8) "unsigned char" characters:
TtaSetTextContent, TtaAppendTextContent, TtaInsertTextContent, 
TtaDeleteTextContent, etc.

> Where can 
> I find informations about the possible content of a tree ?

See Amaya/thotlib/include/content.h

> I would also 
> like to know if there are functions to easily insert parenthesis or
> mtable in a new contructions or if I have to make them.

See in Mathedit.c functions RegenerateFencedSeparators, AddParen, and 
See in EDITORactions.c the function DoTableCreation.

> 4) Set the position of the cursor
>     I would like to know if there are functions that set the position of
> the cursor or the selection at the screen. For example when you insert a
> symbol, this one continues to be selected. I tried the "Unselect"
> function but it completely unselect the document whereas I would just
> like to put the cursor after the new inserted symbol.

For that you don't have to remove the presious selection. You just have to set 
a new selection.
You may select a whole element with TtaSelectElement.
To gererate a caret in a text element you have to use
TtaSelectString (document, element, n, n-1); where n is the position of the 
caret in the element.

> 5) Making structures with empty squares ("structures à trou")
>     I tried to make structures of this type but the empty "mi" I created
> are deleted then if they aren't in a "mrow". 

Check the generated structure with debug

> Moreover I don't know how 
> to make empty "mi" that are represented by squares at the screen.
> Strangely, some of them appear whereas I didn't ask them, for example it
> is the case of the congru, exists or forall constructions. The problem
> comes again from the fact that I can't access to the debug mode.
> 6) New constructions enabled
>     To conclude, here is a list of constructions for the moment, even if
> there are not all finished, so you can test them :
> - The symbol or text of constants
> - The accents
> - conjuguaison / complement
> - The binary relations/operations (implies, intersection...)
> - The operation on a family (Sigma, Product, Union...)
> - The quantificators
> - Congru
> - combination
> - exposants (supplus...)
> - symbol with a sub element (aleph, omega)

I'll check your code when the 9.52 release is done.

> Regards,
> Fred

Irène Vatton                     INRIA Rhône-Alpes
INRIA                               ZIRST
e-mail:       655 avenue de l'Europe
Tel.: +33 4 76 61 53 61             Montbonnot
Fax:  +33 4 76 61 52 07             38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2006 11:14:11 UTC