Re: amaya-8.6: gdk_imlib.h: incorrect search method for Mac OS X

Thanks a lot, it's now fixed in CVS.

Tim Wilson-Brown wrote:

> Hi Stephane,
> I tried to install amaya-8.6-2 on Mac OS X using fink and compiling it 
> from source.  The installation failed with the following error:
> checking for gtk-config... yes
> ****************************************************************
>  ERROR: gdk_imlib.h not found -
>  please install imlib developpement package (libimlib1-devel on mandrake)
> ****************************************************************
> ### execution of cd failed, exit code 1
> Failed: compiling amaya-8.6-2 failed
> I tried various things to fix imlib, thinking that it was broken.
> But I found the problem in line 13477 of the configure script:
> if test "$with_gtk" = "yes" ; then
>   # SG : lookingfor gtkimlib includes
>   #      because not found with gtk-config on macosx
>   gdkimlib_h_found="no"
>   for ac_dir in               \
>     /sw/include/              \
>     /sw/local/include         \
>     /usr/include              \
>     /usr/local/include        \
>     ; \
>   do
>     if test -r "$ac_dir/gdk_imlib.h"; then
>       echo "found gdk_imlib.h"
>       gdkimlib_h_found="yes"
>       GTK_INCLUDES="${GTK_INCLUDES} -I$ac_dir"
>       break
>     fi
>   done
> I have my fink installation in a non-standard location, so this code 
> doesn't pick it up.  I imagine it fails in a similar way for other 
> fink users with non-standard locations. (Not all fink users install 
> their software into /sw).  I also think it would fail for an 
> installation in, say, /opt.
> Wouldn't it be better to use the output of "gtk-config --prefix" in 
> addition (or instead) of searching /sw? (It gives the correct fink 
> directory on my machine).
> I fixed and ran autoconf, and the configure script 
> worked.  It's still compiling as I type, but I don't imagine there 
> will be any problems.
> I made changes to lines 285 onwards of
> if test "$with_gtk" = "yes" ; then
>   # SG : lookingfor gtkimlib includes
>   #      because not found with gtk-config on macosx
>   gdkimlib_h_found="no"
>   # check that gtk-config exists
>   AC_CHECK_PROG(GTKCONFIG_FOUND,gtk-config,yes,no)
>   if test "$GTKCONFIG_FOUND" = no ; then
>     AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find gtk-config. Please install gtk 
> development library\
> ..)
>   fi
>   GTK_INCLUDES="${GTK_INCLUDES} `gtk-config --cflags`"
>   GTK_LIBRARIES="`gtk-config --libs`"
>   # GL doesn't need the imlib
>   if test "${with_gl}" != "yes" ; then
>     GTK_LIBRARIES="${GTK_LIBRARIES} -lgdk_imlib"
>   else
>     gdkimlib_h_found="yes"
>   fi
>   no_graphic=yes
>   gtk_path_for_gdkimlib_h="`gtk-config --prefix`"
>   # SG : lookingfor gtkimlib includes
>   #      because not found with gtk-config on macosx
>   for ac_dir in               \
>     /sw/include/              \
>     /sw/local/include         \
>     /usr/include              \
>     /usr/local/include        \
>     "$gtk_path_for_gdkimlib_h/include" \
>     "$gtk_path_for_gdkimlib_h/local/include" \
>     ; \
>   do
>     if test -r "$ac_dir/gdk_imlib.h"; then
>       echo "found gdk_imlib.h"
>       gdkimlib_h_found="yes"
>       GTK_INCLUDES="${GTK_INCLUDES} -I$ac_dir"
>       break
>     fi
>   done
>   if test "$gdkimlib_h_found" = "no" ; then
>     echo
>     echo 
> "****************************************************************"
>     echo " ERROR: gdk_imlib.h not found -"
>     echo " [please install imlib developpement package 
> (libimlib1-devel on mand\
> rake)]"
>     echo 
> "****************************************************************"
>     exit 1
>   fi
> fi
> I'm sorry that I haven't generated a patch against CVS - I don't have 
> much time at the moment to try and build from CVS and verify a patch 
> against it.
> Note that the check for gtk-config now needs to appear above the imlib 
> search, and the initial setting of "gdkimlib_h_found="no"" needs to be 
> above this in case it is ignored if GL is being used.
> Happy patching!
> Tim

Stephane GULLY (

Received on Monday, 23 August 2004 08:54:21 UTC