MathML in Amaya (few question)

Dear sir/madam,

i'm a student currently working on my final project. It is about "How MathML document become a mathematical expression on Amaya Window" by studying Amaya source code.

If you don't mind I have some question about Amaya code especially associated to the schemas:

1.How can i know the format of file *.prs and *.str ? because when we are loading the schemas (*.prs and *.str) we must know what information we read from the file, is that right?

2.We must apply the presentation rule for each abstract boxes, so how can i find out what rules must applied for elemen certain kind of element?  how is the rule search system works?

3. i already make some system diagram for illustrating how mathML document become a mathematical expression (i'm load a document, not create new document). But i don't know if it right or wrong. 

File *.mml  ->  Initialize document -> parse document and build document tree -> create absBoxes -> apply rule to each absboxes -> create boxes -> display all boxes

Is diagram above right ? would  you tell me and correct it if i'm wrong?

can someone give me an answer ? Because i need it for my final project. Thank you very much.

kind regards,

The Fe Ping

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Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 00:54:09 UTC