Re: Integrating IE and Amaya for editing

Hi Geoff,

At 11:23 28/08/00 +1000, Geoff Soutter wrote:
>Hi there peeps,
>I found out an interesting tidbit about IE the other day, thought you might
>like to know.
>It's really easy to get Amaya to appear on the IE edit button AND to get IE
>to pass proper URLs to it so that you can use IE for surfing and Amaya for
>editing. Simply enter the following into the registry.

I tried this on my WindowsNT machine and it was a bit different: should not
escape characters (see below) but it works.

>If someone would like to add this to the windoze installer program, everyone
>could use it...

Do you think it may be done by the Amaya windows installer ?


>; integrate Amaya with Micro$oft Internet Explorer for editing
>; any other PUT capable editor presumably will work the same way
>; add amaya to IE edit button list; with IE4 it has only one choice, that
>; which is registered to edit .htm files
>; edit path below to where amaya is installed...
>@="C:\\Program Files\\Amaya\\windows\\bin\\Amaya.exe \"%1\""

On WinNT :
@="C:\Program Files\Amaya\Windows\bin\amaya.exe %1"

>; tell IE / Windows Shell to send proper URLs to it rather than the filename
>; the windows "Temporary Internet Files" directory


Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2000 05:09:35 UTC