windows 95 platform bug

the new version of Amaya seems to disregard
 my setting of the cache location ----
i set it to c:\Program Files\Amaya........
    via cache option in settings
    and confirm it by looking at my thot.rc
note the use of space in program files as this is a standard
windows file.......

and i kill the 'programfiles' folder and 'program' folder  that 
got there mysteriously -- i dislike extra baggage in an
already obtuse filing system

next run gives error dialog -- couldnt start cache --
   it then proceeds to remake 'programfiles' [note no space]
and 'programs'....... not very pleasant
i have looked in environment but cant find any var there
or even searching through amaya stuff for keyword
programfile.......   is it embedded somewhere
so that i can put the darn space back into it.....

and i see that my thot.rc file has been rewritten 
in unix ( without cr's) rather than dos text format (with cr's)

what establishes THOTDIR  as this is used in win-thot.rc
to set some poiinters .....   looked in environment and in 
registry for programfile  --- no can find where pointer
with missing space is !!!

john russell  VE3LL@RAC.CA


Received on Thursday, 28 October 1999 13:15:37 UTC