New Accessibility Test tools out on IBM's BlueMix Cloud Development platform

As accessibility has become a mainstream requirement for organizations
worldwide, we continue to create new solutions that help our clients
transform their business by differentiating their services and solutions.

Today, we announced our first set of enterprise accessibility tools on IBM
Bluemix: Digital Content Checker and Automated Accessibility Tester.
BlueMix is a cloud DevOps platform for Cloud. The new services provide an
easy and affordable way to help enterprises produce accessible content and
applications, and integrate accessibility directly into the programming
code. By creating better visibility and integration of accessibility best
practices across the enterprise, organizations can now be more proactive in
identifying and addressing accessibility related issues.

The Digital Content Checker can test HTML as well as EPUB documents for
accessibility. The Automated Accessibility Tester allows you to run IBM's
web accessibility test tools with Selenium for multiple browser platforms.
This is essential for Continuous Delivery and the IBM development community
has realized huge cost savings in accessibility testing.

For more information, please read our blog post.

Please share this news as you see fit. If you any questions or need more
information, please don't hesitate to contact me.



Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2015 15:08:17 UTC