Is there an aria-level=0 ?

WAI-ARIA 1.0 says about aria-level: [1] "The value for aria-level is an 
integer greater than or equal to 1." And about role=heading, it says: 
[2] "If headings are organized into a logical outline, the aria-level 
attribute may be used to indicate the nesting level."

However, which level does a role="heading" element without an 
aria-level="*" attribute have? According Firefox+VoiceOver, it has 
level zero. But according to Safari+VoiceOver, it has level one. I have 
not checked other ATs. Should a level be announced at all?

Tested on this example:

    <foo role="heading">
	    Lorem Ipsum.

leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2013 21:57:55 UTC