Re: Minutes from the ARIA Task Force Teleconference on 20 August

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Janina Sajka <> wrote:
>                                        Protocols and Formats Working Group Teleconference
>                                                           20 Aug 2012


>    RS:


>    browsers do not fix parsing errors in hidden content
>    SO, AT would have to both parseand repair the hidden content
>    This is way aoutside the scope of AT.

Wow. Just … wow. :(

Very disappointing to hear that PFWG is planning to make a Change
Proposal based on such misunderstandings.

I've explained twice that HTML WG is certainly not proposing that AT
should parse and repair HTML:

Richard's eccentric claim that "browsers do not fix parsing errors in
hidden content" is demonstrably wrong.

Try this simple test case in a modern browser (I used Firefox, Safari, Chrome):

  <!doctype html>
  <title>Parse and repair of hidden content</title>
  <base href=>
  <div hidden aria-hidden=true style=display:none>
  <p>1<b>2<i>3</b>4</i>5</p><a href=foo></a>
  document.querySelector("pre").textContent =
     document.querySelector("[hidden]").innerHTML +
     "\n" +

Here's the test case in the DOM viewer:

It renders:

  <p>1<b>2<i>3</i></b><i>4</i>5</p><a href="foo"></a>

This test case proves that browsers fix incorrectly nested tags,
resolve href URLs, and parse markup inside an element with @hidden set
into the host DOM, as is required by HTML5.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 22:59:09 UTC