Re: suggestions for new roles and properties in ARIA next

James Craig, Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:05:55 -0700:
> On Apr 20, 2011, at 3:56 AM, Steve Faulkner wrote:

>>>> Seconded, but this example would probably need aria-label, because 
>>>> overriding the img role means the alt attribute is now 
>>>> meaningless. Agreed?
>> My thinking is that for graphical user agents its still an image, and
>> it will still need alt for that purpose. also they generally map alt
>> to the accessible name property in APIs, so why require an additional
>> aria-label that does the same thing?
> For the same reason that I would expect this to not work:
> <input type="button" role="text" value="Foo">
> <input type="checkbox" role="text" checked>
> Like alt, the value and checked attributes are specific to defined 
> HTML roles, which have been specifically overridden here. If it's no 
> longer an image, button, or checkbox, none of the image, button, and 
> checkbox attributes apply anymore.


Would also you say that @title - of img as well as of input - looses 
its role as title attribute and becomes inaccessible if the element is 
given another role than the default one?

If @alt is *fallback* (in addition to alternative text), then the @alt 
does not disappear just because the element gets another role. And 
HTML5's current definition of @alt is that it *is* fallback. (This was 
just changed in a Desision, which states that the @alt text is 
alternative text. However it is clear that it is technically fallback 
and semantically alternative text.)

If @alt would become inaccessible just because the element got another 
role, then it meant that @alt had something to do with the img 
element's primary function - the image functionality. But since @alt is 
fallback, @alt's role does not disappear by a role change.

VoiceOver IMO support this interpretation. Just run the following Test 
1 and Test 2 in VoiceOver:

 <p>Test 1: <img src="x.jpg" aria-labelledby="y" >
 <img src="y.jpg" id="y" alt="Y, y, y?" >
 <p>Test 2: <img src="x.jpg" aria-labelledby="yy" >
 <img src="y.jpg" id="y" aria-label="Therfore!" >

You will see that for Test 1, then the first image takes is label from 
the second image's @alt text. But in Test 2, this does not happen.


To stay focused, we should look at Steve's original example:

    My <img src="heart.png" alt="heart" role="text"> breaks.

That example is very similar to what you will find as Vlad's site 
( when he explains his idea that the @alt 
should be seen as a textual substitute for the image. Except that 
Vlad's typical example looks like this:

    I <img src="heart.png" alt="love" > you!

In neither case does the image represent text. It instead represents a 
symbol which acts as a stand-in for a very specific word. Technically, 
the author could filled the @alt text with a Unicode symbol for the 
heart instead (♡) and let the reader interpret what it means.

Steve, what is the behaviour you expect from applying role=text? I 
would have assumed that the main purpose you have is that the AT should 
not announce that it is a image but rather just read the @alt text.

>>> Associated how? aria-describedby? aria-labelledby? If so, why is 
>>> the role necessary? This reminds me of the label role that was 
>>> previously removed from ARIA.
>> I would think the relationship can be implemented in the browser
>> if a table has a child caption = accessible name
>> if a figure has a child caption = accessible name
>> the usefulness of the role would be in being able to identify the
>> caption as a caption, especially for images in figure
> But a caption for a table or image is just the label for the table or 
> image. The extra role wouldn't matter.
> This is a lot like the old label role, which may have been in the 
> original ARIA proposal, but I couldn't find reference to in old 
> versions of the spec. In any case, it was removed because it was 
> deemed unnecessary. I was in the group then, but this pre-dated me 
> taking the editor role, so I'm not sure where to look.

The <figure> cannot be used inline - in a p element. So if you want to 
caption an inline image, then you must use aria-labelledby. Of course, 
one can use aria-labelledby. But a solution which uses role=caption 
seems more robust. E.g. it doesn't break because the value of the @id 
changes, or something like that.
Leif H Silli

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 23:44:00 UTC