Why is text crossed out in implementation guide?

Hi Michael,

"Prepend a space if necessary: if the current node is an element and is 
not styled with display: inline, append a space character if the text 
equivalent result string is not currently empty. This space character 
should be removed at the end, if the entire text equivalent computation 
for an element yields no other results. "


"Append a space if necessary: if the current node is an element and is not 
styled with display: inline, append a space character. This last space 
should be trimmed off if it ends up being last character in the entire 
text equivalent computation for an element. "

Why are the second sentences crossed out? It's necessary to do those steps 
so that truly empty names show as being empty.

- Aaron

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2009 10:19:36 UTC