Publishing Design Principles in Addition to Publishing the HTML5 Spec or Specs

Hi Sam,

You wrote to John [1]:

> The way I would prefer to proceed with issues like this is for people
> like yourself to draft an even-toned text expressing the fact that this
> is an "open issue" (indicated in red boxes in the document, and marked
> up with class="XXX") and for the draft to be published after this has
> been added to the document.  By even toned, I mean that things like
> "unresolved" and "direct contradiction with WCAG 2 Guidance" are fine,

In addition to publishing the spec or specs I suggest publishing the
Design Principles with an appropriate "open issue" marker, noting the
concern regarding the accessibility principle, if Maciej does not
incorporate the requested changes [2] [3].

The following is suggested text for the notice:

"The meaning of accessibility in the accessibility design principle
conflicts with the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative's meaning of
accessibility. [4] Other related unresolved issues have been
identified regarding the accessibility principle."

Best Regards,


Laura L. Carlson

Received on Sunday, 2 August 2009 10:40:24 UTC