Re: HTML Action Item 54 - ...draft text for HTML 5 spec to require producers/authors to include @alt on img elements.

Dave Singer wrote:
> Because of this, we have 
> considered allowing the omission of alt in this case (when no useful alt 
> text is known at the authoring point), but we are concerned about this 
> too, as it may 'open the barn door' and such a permission to omit may be 
> abused.

Yes. Well lets up the ante then. Make @alt mandatory in all 
circumstances. No @alt, no conformance. Then force developers to raise 
the bar, abandon poor authoring tool design and practices, and we can 
all ride off into the sunset.

In reality the UAs will still render pages, tools will still work, the 
web will still grow and evolve (HTML 4 ain't going away) but we will /at 
least/ have nailed our colours to the mast in terms of our commitment to 


Received on Monday, 12 May 2008 18:39:54 UTC