RE: [ARIA] Another round on combobutton

Hi Becky,
Wasn't there a role of SPLITBUTTON in the ARIA spec? I think, combobutton
serves the same purpose, if I am not mistaken. Screen readers do support
split buttons such as found in many browser toolbars, AOL, Google, Yahoo!
I am thus suggesting two scenarios:
1. A combobutton could be announced as split button and then:
A. ENTER would perform a default action and SPACE would drop down the menu,
or vice versa.
2. If no SPLITBUTTON role in fact exists then, announce whatever (to be
decided) and:
A. SPACE/ENTER performs the default action and
B. Down Arrow automatically expands options. We could then collapse with
either left arrow.


Received on Monday, 17 September 2007 19:56:35 UTC