Re: [note: two-level nav in WAI-ARIA] [was: Re: reCAPTCHA implementation problems]

On 18/07/07, Ben Maurer <> wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> > accesskey is designed to provide accelerated access to things. It is badly
> > specified, and badly implemented in some browsers, but it is still about the
> > best there is. And can be well implemented on the same markup.
> Agreed, that's one potential way to do it. I'm worried if it's
> discoverable enough though.

A bigger concern in your case is that you will need to choose
accesskeys that don't conflict with those provided by the author of
the page. You can't guarantee that any key you choose isn't already
chosen by the author. You could let the author specify their own
accesskeys when they include your widget, but that unnecessarily
complicates using the widget (one of your primary goals is ease of
use), causes problems with consistency, and if an author is already
making extensive use of accesskeys, might mean there are none left to

To keep this in perspective, we are only talking about three links;
"Get a new challenge", "Change the type of challenge", and "Help".
Tabbing over those three items to get to the submit button is not a
usability issue for anyone (particularly as keyboard users can press
return to submit the form). Not being able to tab to those items with
the keyboard is a usability issue, as they're pretty important
functions that need to be available to keyboard users in an expected


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Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2007 09:41:37 UTC