Re: Mailing list archives: feeback requested on proposed improvements

le mer 27-03-2002 à 17:06, Ian B. Jacobs a écrit :
> I definitely like the shorter front matter. I think there
> are too many "respond to this messages" at the bottom.
> I suggest getting rid of the one in "This message".

Oops, indeed. I removed it.

> Also,
> perhaps Mail actions should go before "broader listings"
> since mail actions are still local to this message (to
> a certain extent). That line should also be before
> the sort line (which is list-level, not message level).

Good point. Implemented too.

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -
W3C's Webmaster

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2002 11:10:20 UTC