[XAG clarification] 2.9 - can modules be re-used except as intended?

This question is forwarded with permission from Astrid Callista:

  What does (checkpoint 2.9 [1]) mean? Reusing modules as originally
  specified or intended. Are there other ways to use it? Looking at the
  example, I understand it as using the two audio files in their original
  bitrate (namely 56000 and 28800). But this is SMIL, of which I
  unfortunately don't have enough knowledge. How does this point affect XML?

[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/XML/xag-20020617#cp2_9 - "2.9 Reuse accessible
modules from schema as originally specified / intended."

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 11:45:48 UTC