Re: Editorial comment on Understanding document

I'm ok with these changes. Michael, do you want to include them?

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Bailey, Bruce <> wrote:
> At:
> We have:
> ·         whether the Success Criterion is essential (in other words, if the
> Success Criterion isn't met, then even assistive technology can't make
> content accessible)
> ·         whether it is possible to satisfy the Success Criterion for all
> Web sites and types of content that the Success Criteria would apply to
> (e.g., different topics, types of content, types of Web technology)
> ·         whether the Success Criterion requires skills that could
> reasonably be achieved by the content creators (that is, the knowledge and
> skill to meet the Success Criteria could be acquired in a week's training or
> less)
> ·         whether the Success Criterion would impose limits on the "look &
> feel" and/or function of the Web page. (limits on function, presentation,
> freedom of expression, design or aesthetic that the Success Criteria might
> place on authors)
> ·         whether there are no workarounds if the Success Criteria is not
> met
> I just noticed now that the parentheticals are all slightly different in
> style.   One has “e.g.”, one says “that is” (which I think is equivalent to
> the “in other words” used by first bullet).  The fourth bulleted item has a
> period before the parenthesis (but still no capitalization).  My personal
> preference would be that these are all converted to real sentences (i.e.,
> capitalize, and end each with a period), but I don’t think that’s style.
> So, given that, and the fact you eschew proper typographical quotation
> marks, here’s my suggested edits:
> ·         whether the Success Criterion is essential (in other words, if the
> Success Criterion isn't met, then even assistive technology can't make
> content accessible)
> ·         whether it is possible to satisfy the Success Criterion for all
> Web sites and types of content that the Success Criteria would apply to (for
> example, different topics, types of content, types of Web technology)
> ·         whether the Success Criterion requires skills that could
> reasonably be achieved by the content creators (in other words, the
> knowledge and skill to meet the Success Criteria could be acquired in a
> week's training or less)
> ·         whether the Success Criterion would impose limits on the "look &
> feel" and/or function of the Web page (in other words, limits on function,
> presentation, freedom of expression, design or aesthetic that the Success
> Criteria might place on authors)
> ·         whether there are no workarounds if the Success Criteria is not
> met

Received on Friday, 18 June 2010 22:24:17 UTC