WAI-UA-Support -- no reference to WCAG1.0 checkpoint 5.3

Untitled StationeryDear all,

Have just been checking http://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/WAI-UA-Support for
information on the status of WCAG1.0 checkpoint 5.3

5.3 Do not use tables for layout unless the table makes sense when
linearized. Otherwise, if the table does not make sense, provide an
alternative equivalent (which may be a linearized version). Once user agents
support style sheet positioning, tables should not be used for layout.

There is, however, no entry for checkpoint 5.3. May I ask for this to be
raised at the next appropriate WAI Working Group meeting?

We find non-perfect but sufficient support for style sheet positioning to
replicate table-based layouts using stylesheets on IE5.5, 6, 5/Mac (more or
less), Safari, Firefox, Opera.

Kind regards

Liam McGee
Liam McGee, Director
Communis Ltd - making web sites accessible
Consultancy · Training · Assessment · Site design
 +44 (0)1225 863267      www.communis.co.uk

Received on Saturday, 8 May 2004 07:11:53 UTC