Example Code Error in CSS Techniques checkpoint 6.1

I noticed a small error in the sample code for Checkpoint 6.1 (Organize
documents so that they may be read without style sheets) under section 13 (Using
style sheet position and markup to transform gracefully).

The corrected example includes the lines

   <dd class="item4">Idaho</span>
   <dd class="item5">Wisconsin</span>

Presumably, those "</span>"s shoudl be "</dd>".

Thanks for putting together all these wonderful accessibility resources.

-- Sam Rebelsky
Samuel A. Rebelsky, Assistant Professor of CS, Chair of Technology Studies
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Grinnell College - Grinnell, Iowa 50112 
Office: 641-269-4410 ; Fax: 641-269-4285 ; Home: 641-236-7445
rebelsky@grinnell.edu ; http://www.cs.grinnell.edu/~rebelsky/

Received on Saturday, 13 July 2002 08:58:04 UTC