WCAG 1.0

	I am sending this email in regards to the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.  Hopefully this is reaching the editors of
this document.  Specifically I have a question about Checkpoint 5.5 in
the WCAG1.0 document.  Checkpoint 5.5 states: " 5.5 Provide summaries
for tables. [Priority 3]".  Does this mean every table should have a
summary attribute?  This is confusing as checkpoints 5.1 and 5.2 state
"For data tables" explicitly whereas 5.5 does not.  I asked around here
and I was told that this checkpoint is only meant for data tables and
not for layout tables.  If this is the case could you please specify in
the guidelines "For data tables" as per 5.1 and 5.2.  And if it is meant
for all tables I think the language should be changed to "For data and
layout tables".  I am interested in making my site more accessible and
would appreciate a clarification of this checkpoint item.

Ben Edwards
Biological Sciences Computer Support Facility
ESB 122, A6500 
Phone (512) 232-7191

Received on Monday, 18 February 2002 12:04:04 UTC