Get Paid To Shop!


Looking for a REAL Part-Time Business?

Want to get paid to get your oil changed?

How about getting paid to shop at the grocery?

Look No Further!

This is the solution you've been looking for!!

Get This Information Now   ONLY $7.50!
Major Credit Cards Accepted, Secure Order Form!

No other startup cost than this payment!

Now is the time To Get Started!

I have been using these companies and just last month I got paid for getting my oil changed, and the best thing is, they paid for the oil change too!  Next week I'm going to the movies for free, and getting paid at the same time!  Make the money you paid for this back the first time you leave your house!

Get This Information Now   ONLY $7.50!
Major Credit Cards Accepted, Secure Order Form!

ORDER FORM for Check/Money Order Payments:
Please send $7.50 to:
2204 Florida Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46805


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(please include as product is delivered over the web!)

[  ] YES! Please rush my Mystery Shopper Info.  I 
understand I have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and can return
my order for the purchase price at any time.

[  ] DOUBLE YES!  I am ordering before January 31st 2001!  
Please include the extra special bonuses!

Note - If you would prefer this product be shipped on a 3.5" Disk,
please add $2 and include a shipping address.

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Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 17:27:05 UTC