Re: Unable to access complete documents

Bryony de Boer wrote:
> Please help,
> I am unable to access complete versions of the "core techniques" and "HTML
> techniques" documents for the Guidelines for Web Content Accessibility.
>  Only approximately half of the documents will download to my machine for
> me to read.  I would very much like to access copies of these documents.
>  Could you please suggest a solution to this problem. Thank you.


I'm not sure why this is happening. Can you force a complete
reload in your browser and try again?  When I download
the document, I get the whole thing. It could be a mirroring
problem, but let me know if you are successful after clearing
your cache and reloading.

  - Ian
> Bryony de Boer
> 27 Hardie Street
> Palmerston North
> New Zealand
> Phone (+6) 3569-112

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                         +1 831 457-2842
Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 11:16:00 UTC