For a free, democratic and Arab Palestine

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Call of the International Leninist Current in support of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination

The 90ies have marked the lowest point in the history of the sorely afflicted Palestinian people. All hopes that after decades of resistance against the Zionist occupation a lasting peace could be achieved by compromising with the colonial aggressor and thus accepting its land conquest have vanished completely. The erroneous formula "land for peace" suggesting that the conflict was caused by those being occupied and not by the occupiers, which the Oslo agreement was based on, miserably failed. In exchange for recognising Israel the Palestinians have to face only further robbery of their land and accelerated Jewish settlements, an ongoing strangulation of their economy by sealing off the occupied territories, the deliberate destruction of the arable land, an ever decreasing water share and finally the fragmentation of the territories, which means unprecedented obstacles to move freely from one place to another and especially to Jerusalem. There is no trace of self-determination!
 except the "sovereign" right of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to collaborate with the occupation forces executing the daily repression and administration for them - and for their own benefit to the detriment of the majority. However, when the servant is not able to cope with the popular rebellion the Zionist butchers are still there.


read more at:

Executive Committee of the ILC
May 2001


The ILC supports the attempt of the Anti-imperialist Camp, of  which it is part, to create a International Coalition in Defence of the Palestina People's Right to Self-determination:

International Leninist Current
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Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 13:05:30 UTC