

I am the Team Leader Corporate Systems/Web Support from the University of
Western Sydney.  As part of our business plan for the next two years we are
intending to undertake intitiatives to ensure compliance of the UWS web
corporate site (and satellite sites within UWS) to the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 to priority 1 with a view to compliance to
priority 2 in the future.

As part of building this compliance into our pages we have found that the
content of the current document is not sufficient in providing advice on
necessary accessibility for pages which contain graphs,  such as those in
the example url below:

Can you provide to us advice on how to comply sufficiently with the
accessibility issues for content such as this?

Kindest regards,


                                 (o o)
|Mrs. Lyn-Anne Sedlmeyr               Phone:   (02)4736 0806           |
|Team Leader Corp/Systems Web Support Fax:     (02)4736 0010           |
|Information Technology Directorate   University of Western Sydney,    |
|<>             Address: Locked Bag 1797,        |
|<>   PENRITH SOUTH DC NSW 1797 AUS    |

Received on Saturday, 12 May 2001 22:45:32 UTC