Fwd: RE: SVG Plugin from Adobe (sizing, flowing, and mixed media)

[GL: note what I am doing here is putting an entry in the XHTML 2.0 issues
linked back to this discussion. -Al]

This thread on the GL list addresses an issue with the sizing of embedded
sub-documents.  This affects the interoperation of SVG, (X)HTML, SMIL and
whatever we wind up with as a mix and match facility.

In the past HTML has stuck to a model where the size of an include item is
bound in final terms by the calling hypertext.  This aids rapid incremental
rendering.  But it conflicts with the needs of low vision users where e.g. the
text in buttons should scale with text outside the buttons and the button
should accomodate the text, as in the present IE "always fully expand ALT

Not to presume the answer, but this should be on our issues list to pursue
XHTML 2.0.




16. Text in images


> Resent-Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:18:19 -0500 (EST) 
> From: "Bailey, Bruce" 
> To: "'w3c-wai-gl@w3.org'" 
> Cc: "'Kynn Bartlett'" 
> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:17:40 -0500 
> X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) 
> Subject: RE: SVG Plugin from Adobe (sizing, flowing, and mixed media) 
> Resent-From: w3c-wai-gl@w3.org 
> X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/5592 
> X-Loop: w3c-wai-gl@w3.org 
> Sender: w3c-wai-gl-request@w3.org 
> Resent-Sender: w3c-wai-gl-request@w3.org 
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> Kynn wrote:
> > Now here's a dumb question for you -- can you set the size of a
> > image, plugin, or applet in _ems_?  And if you do, and you change
> > your font size, will those "viewports" resize themselves magically?
> >
> > I admit I haven't ever tested this, nor even thought about it,
> > really.  Maybe it's a dumb idea, or maybe it's a cool idea.  I
> > don't know.  If it works, it might be a technique for SVG and
> > other scalable graphics formats.
> I though this was a cool idea -- so much so that I experimented with it some
> a couple weeks ago!
> I though this would be a "poor mans solution" for scaling bit maps as
well as
> SVG. Unfortunately, it doesn't work!  Various recent flavors of IE and
> Navigator get very confused.  The code doesn't validated either.  I then
> looked up the 4.01 HTML specs, and the two choices for sizing things where
> this technique would be valuable (tables, images, objects) are percentages
> and pixels.  That's it.  Using percentages does allow images (SVG or GIF or
> JPEG or PNG) to scale, but this only works one changes window size.  (So, in
> effect, this technique allows one to shrink images, but not to grow them!) 
> This experiment was with width="xx%".  Trying various options for
> height="xx%" only seemed to confuse the browsers.
> Now, can anyone tell me if XHTML is so limited?
> -- Bruce

Received on Thursday, 4 January 2001 10:56:40 UTC