Input for Friday's EOWG meeting

Dear EO editors,

I will not be able to attend today as I am off today, but I do have content for Friday. This email outlines that content.

I'd like to: 

1. give an update on the authoring tools list prototype and describe major changes (updated filters, added display of accessibility features and other tool-specific details)
2. ask for general feedback on the updated prototype <>
3. ask for specific feedback on the way the tool asks  “self-vetting” questions <> (like “does this work with keyboard?”): there is the criterion itself (as short and clear as possible), a brief description and four choices; “don't know” skips the question, “partially” triggers a text box so that vendors can provide context. The information in the textbox will be displayed, so we need to design this in a way to get info that is useful and honest, like “it should mostly work with keyboard, the video preview is sometimes broken though”.
4. ask for specific feedback on what the “self-vetting questions” are <> (questions that avoid jargon or too much abstraction, try to be specific, to maximise usability of both the “submit a tool” form and the list itself; while, and this is important, still as accurate as possible, and tied to specific ATAG crtieria)
5. announce that a survey will open on Friday afternoon, about 2, 3 and 4, and if anything else was left unsettled during the discussion, we can ask for follow up questions.

Opening a survey this Friday should be useful, because:

- deciding what the criteria should be is tricky and in-depth, so good to do async / offline / not in a meeting
- I am on holiday all of next week, so I won't be updating the prototype while people give feedback

If anything is unclear, feel free to try and ping on IRC, I may be able to reply but cannot promise (I am in an all day workshop and mostly paying attention :-) ).



Hidde de Vries
Web Accessibility Specialist

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 07:22:04 UTC