Re: [wbs] response to 'Approval of Scripts for Evaluation Videos'

It works but it does not address my specific comment, which, at this point, I don’t want to further pursue. If we don’t want to mention CI, which would help many development teams, then this OK for me.

👋 Eric 

> On 10. Oct 2019, at 14:52, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:
> I changed the sequence now to:
> "Tools can be integrated into different work environments. For example, into your web browser, content management system (C-M-S), code editor, or your testing process."
> Hope this works now?
> Best,
>  Shadi
> On 08/10/2019 09:56, Hidde de Vries wrote:
>>>> On 8 Oct 2019, at 09:10, Eric Eggert < <>> wrote:
>>> Project managers should know what a deploy process & continuous testing is, they have to plan for both.
>>> I don't think there is a way to make that more understandable for “non-techies” as we can’t make JavaScript, code editor, content management system or web browser more understandable for “non-techies”. For “non-techies”, all of those words are jargon. And that‘s ok imho because we said ”work environments” first.
>> Yep, I believe deploy process and continuous testing (or “continuous deployment”) should be understandable for most project managers. Agreed it is a bit jargonny, but in the same sense as “content management system” and “web browser”.
>> Fwiw, I've also heard the term a lot from project managers whom (I suspected) did not necessarily know what it means (so I think the group of people who know that it exists is larger than the group of people who know what it is).
>> Examples of the terminology used in the wild:
>> - Atlassian, makers of project management tooling, don't shy away from the terminology on their homepage <>, and product pages <>
>> - Gitlab, another project (or more like: source code) management solution <> even use the abbreviation “CI” as one of the first things on their homepage
> -- 
> Shadi Abou-Zahra -
> Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
> Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2019 13:17:27 UTC