Re: [wai-eo-editors] <none>


Yes. The "WCAG-EM Report Tool - Website Accessibility Evaluation Report Generator" can help you generate a report. It's available from:

I suggest that you expand and read through the sections on the first page:
* What this tool does
* How this tool works
* Tips for using this tool

You can see the report format without entering any data, from:
You can download that and adapt it to meet your needs.


On 1/16/2017 1:09 PM, Marta Dropa wrote:
> Hello,
> We are group of blind enthusiasts from Ukraine, working in a field of web accessability and inclusion. We like your website and use it very often to solve our problems.
>  May you suggest us any report form for making report of web accessability?
> /*CSP Fellow, US State Department*
> /
> /*National Industries for the Blind – NIB
> */
> /*1310 Braddock Pl, Alexandria, VA 22314*/

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 18:32:00 UTC