Re: Accessible Presentations

Replies below.

Andrew Arch wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> Re:
> Just a few small things I picked up for editor's consideration:
> # anchors
> Some <p>s have them, but not all. Might be good to add to all.

All <h2>s should already have anchors. I’m not keen on anchors on the <h3>s, but it was requested for some points. If there are others you feel strongly about, let me know.

> # Arrange for good visibility of the speaker and interpreters.
> Consider "bright sunlight or flashing light."
>  > "bright sunlight or flashing lights."
> Also, should we mention 'flickering' light too?

I think not, as these are just examples of distracting backgrounds, not an exhaustive list of what to avoid. In context it is:
"Arrange for good visibility of the speaker and interpreters.
Have good lighting on their face and upper body. Avoid distracting backgrounds, such as bright sunlight or flashing light.

> # Provide material ahead of time, if requested.
> Consider "More about _provide accessible material_ is above"
>  > "More about _providing accessible material_ is above" for improved 
> readability (even though the link won't match precisely).
> Or maybe just "See _provide accessible material_ above" as you have 
> later on.


> # Use multiple communication methods for different learning styles.
> Consider "Some people can better understand verbal information"
>  > "Some people can understand verbal information better"

Out of context that sounds better but with the rest of the sentence I think not; it is currently: "Some people can better understand verbal information, others pictures and diagrams, and others text." If The first part is rephrased to "Some people can understand verbal information better" then I think we'd have to significantly expand the rest of the sentence also, so it's be much longer:  "Some people can understand verbal information better, others can understand pictures and diagrams better, and others can understand text better." I'm not sure the additional smoothness in initial readability is worth this expansion.

> # Use an easy-to-read font face.
> Consider "Avoid fancy fonts that are difficult to read"
>  > "Avoid fancy fonts as these can be difficult to read"

Disagree with this.  There may be a font that someone considers fancy that is in fact very easy to read. We are actually saying "avoid fonts that are difficult to read" and including "fancy fonts" as a trigger.

> #
> Consider "people using ALD/hearing loop and"
>  > "people using ALD/hearing loops and"
> (yes, I know there will be just one loop, so not quite sure about this 
> suggestion)

people is plural, so also have to change ALDs

> #
> Consider "just means that you cover the visual information"
>  > "just means that you cover all the visual information"

Disagree with this. For example, you do not have to describe all decorative images, or say the footer text of each slide... 

> # Describe other visual information.
> I think ellipses (...) should have a space before as well as after.

I think not if it is at a sentence termination, which this one is. (but I don't have access to reference material right now and so cannot confirm)

> #
> Consider "Some times you won't know whether"
>  > "Sometimes you won't know whether"



Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 09:40:41 UTC