[wbs] response to 'EOWG Call for Review: Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools, 2006 March'

Here are the answers submitted to 'EOWG Call for Review: Web Accessibility
Evaluation Tools, 2006 March' (Education and Outreach Working Group) for
Shawn Henry.

Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools

 * ( ) I accept this version of the document as is
 * (x) I accept this version of the document, and suggest changes below
 * ( ) I accept this version of the document only with the changes below
 * ( ) I do not accept this version of the document because of the
comments below
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

Comments on the document, formatted as described above.
Note: Most suggestions below very low priority. A few that are a bit above
low are indicated with *. Happy to have it go out as is for now. However,
would like edit suggestions revisited later, when more time. :-)

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, About... Receiving Notification...
current wording: "RSS - Notification about updates made to the list of Web
accessibility evaluation tools if published through the..."
suggested revision: if>is: "RSS - Notification about updates made to the
list of Web accessibility evaluation tools is published through the..."
rationale: fixin' typo

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: thoughout
current wording: <li id="hMenuSelection"><p>Overview</p></li>
suggested revision: remove <p>: <li id="hMenuSelection">Overview</li>
rationale: correction

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: throughout
current wording: acronyms all over
suggested revision: provide acronym only on first reference, especially on
theOverview page
rationale: correct, simplifies if acronym set to read out each time

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: all page, footer
current wording: "Version: 17 March, 2006"
suggested revision: remove comma in date, Version>Content last updated, so
it becomes:
 "Content last updated: 17 March 2006"
AND link the date to the changelog
rationale: standard format for date, new/standard format when not using a
version number

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: all pages, footer
current wording: "File (not content) last updated on $Date: 2006/03/15
11:33:43 $ by $Author: shadi $"
suggested revision: delete the whole line
rationale: new format

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Simple & Advanced Search, Checks for these guidelines
current wording: "Stanca Act, Italian legislation on accessibility"
suggested revision: "Stanca Act, Italian accessibility legislation"
rationale: simplify

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Simple & Advanced Search, Checks for these guidelines
current wording: "JIS, Japanese industrial standard"
suggested revision: industrial>industry: "JIS, Japanese industry standard"
rationale: simplify

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: 
Converts PDF into accessible HTML
Converts Word into accessible HTML
Converts Excel into accessible HTML
Converts Powerpoint into accessible HTML
suggested revision: add "files"
Converts PDF files into accessible HTML
Converts Word files into accessible HTML
Converts Excel files into accessible HTML
Converts Powerpoint files into accessible HTML
rationale: easier to "parse"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: "Powerpoint"
suggested revision: capitalize second P: "PowerPoint"
rationale: correction

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: "MacOS"
suggested revision: add acronym on OS
rationale: or maybe not if think is MacOS is its own thing

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: Mozilla / Firefox
suggested revision: "Mozilla Firefox" OR "Mozilla, Firefox" OR "Mozilla
and Firefox" OR "Mozilla or Firefox" OR "Mozilla/Firefox"(without spaces)
note: not really sure which is most correct

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: 
- Open Source
- Free Software
- Trial / Demo
- ...
suggested revision: put Free stuff first
- Free Software
- Open Source
- Trial / Demo

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: "Free Software"
suggested revision: remove 'Software': "Free"
note: *if* some not be thought of as software, e.g., "online checker"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Advanced Search
current wording: "Trial / Demo"
suggested revision: "Trial or Demo"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Simple & Advanced Search
suggested revision: avoid wrapping when unnecessary. i'm sending screen
grabs to EO-Editors...

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Search Results
current wording: each item on separate line, e.g.:
Language: English
Language: French
Guidelines: WCAG 1.0
Guidelines: Section 508
suggested revision: one category on one line, e.g.:
Language: English and French
Guidelines: WCAG 1.0 and Section 508
rationale: less scrolling

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Search Results
suggestion: align left edge of search criteria box with left edge of other
box and text (that is, more if left a bit)
rationale: consistent left alignment more aesthetically pleasing

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, throughout
current wording: W3C/WAI
suggested revision: I think just use WAI, and not W3C. In any case,
suggest *not* using both throughout. Perhaps use "W3C WAI"(without /) on
first reference and then WAI subsequently?
rationale: more simple 

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, Getting Started
current wording: "While Web accessibility evaluation tools can
significantly reduce the time and effort required to evaluate Web
suggested revision: delete 'required': "While Web accessibility evaluation
tools can significantly reduce the time and effort to evaluate Web

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "Before using the list of evaluation tools, please read
the "Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools" document. The document
highlights consideration for the selection of evaluation tools, which can
provide background for using this search facility effectively."
suggested revision: "Please read <a...>Selecting Web Accessibility
Evaluation Tools</a>, which describes some of the tool features in the
search criteria for this tools list."
OR "Please read <a...>Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools</a>,
which describes some of the tool features that are search criteria for
this tools list and provides background for using the search effectively."
OR "Please read <a...>Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools</a>. It
provides background that is helpful for using this tools list, including
descriptions of some of the tool features that are provided as search
criteria for this tools list."
rationale: simplify to focus attention on most important points

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "Simple Search - to find tools by frequently used search
suggested revision: by>using. maybe hyphenate frequently-used? maybe
frequenly used>common: "Simple Search - to find tools using common search
current wording: "Advanced Search - to find tools using a detailed set of
suggested revision: delete "set of". add "search": "Advanced Search - to
find tools using detailed search criteria"
rationale: simplify and make parallel for easier skimming (because then
the differences are easier to figure out)

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, Disclaimer
current wording: "W3C cannot verify the accuracy of these claims."
suggested revision: cannot>does not: "W3C does not verify the accuracy of
these claims."

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, Disclaimer
current wording: "Inclusion of products in this reference list does not
indicate endorsement by W3C."
suggested revision: add sentence at the beginning: "W3C does not endorse
specific vendor products. Inclusion of products in this reference list
does not indicate endorsement by W3C."

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, Disclaimer
current wording: "Information in this database (including the search
criteria) reflects claims made by tool developers, vendors, or users; and
can change at any time."
suggested revision: and 'it" after semi-colon: "Information in this
database (including the search criteria) reflects claims made by tool
developers, vendors, or users; and it can change at any time."
rationale: grammar correction

priority: * [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, Disclaimer
current wording: "The report is not a review of evaluation tools, nor a
complete or definitive listing."
suggested revision: report>list, add "of all tools': "The list is not a
review of evaluation tools, nor a complete or definitive listing of all

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: About the Tools List
suggested revision: About this Tools List

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "... the W3C/WAI List of Web Accessibility Evaluation
Tools RSS channel (requires browsers or e-mail clients that support RSS)"
suggested revision: 
- remove parenthesis: "...RSS channel, which requires browsers or e-mail
clients that support RSS.
- is that technically correct? What about aggregator software that is not
browser or e-mail based?
- consider removing that bit all together. The About RSS page should
explain that.
rationale: simplify

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "Mailing List - discussions regarding this tools list and
submissions are publicly archived on the W3C/WAI List of Web Accessibility
Evaluation Tools mailing list. Subscription to this list is also public
(see Subscribing to W3C Mailing Lists directions for more information)."
suggested revision: "Mailing List - Submissions of tool information and
e-mail discussions of the tool list are publicly archived on the WAI List
of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools mailing list. To subscribe to this
public mailing list, send mail to public-wai-ert-tools-request@w3.org with
"subscribe" as subject. More information on W3C mailing lists is available
at <a href="/Mail/Request">W3C Mailing List Administrivia</a>.
rationale: among other things, http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request is scary &
confusing & ugly so don't want to send ppl there as only instruction to

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview, a couple of places
current wording: W3C/WAI List of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
mailing list
suggested revision: shorten! perhaps: Evaluation Tools List mailing list
priority: [editor's discretion]

location: Overview
current wording: "W3C/WAI List of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools RSS
suggested revision: Evaluation Tools List RSS Feed
rational: more simple!
note: I'm used to hearing "feed" rather than "channel"

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "Whether you are a tool developer, a tool user, or just
happened to hear of a tool that is not currently listed here, please share
your information with us to help keep this list current and accurate."
suggested revision: "WAI welcomes information to help keep this list
current and accurate."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: "Note: all information you provide via the form or by
e-mail will be publicly archived on..."
suggested revision: "Information provided via the form or by e-mail is
publicly archived on...."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: Overview
current wording: " See also <a...>About RSS introduction</a> for more
suggested revision: "For an introduction to RSS, see <a...>About RSS</a>."

priority: [editor's discretion]
location: all pages (except overview)
current wording: Please read the <a href="Overview#important">Getting
Started</a> and <a href="Overview#disclaimer">Disclaimer</a> sections of
the <a href="Overview">Overview</a> page.</
suggested revision: unlink Overview page: Please read the <a
href="Overview#important">Getting Started</a> and <a
href="Overview#disclaimer">Disclaimer</a> sections of the Overview page.</
rationale: simplify

These answers were last modified on 21 March 2006 at 21:28:01 U.T.C.
by Shawn Henry

Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/tools1_2006/ until 2006-03-17.


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Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2006 21:32:12 UTC