possible alternative browser - WebbIE - suggestion for inclusion in accessible browser list

Forwarded message 1

  • From: Alasdair King <alasdair.king@manchester.ac.uk>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 14:06:40 +0000
  • Subject: [Moderator Action] WebbIE - suggestion for inclusion in accessible browser list
  • To: peter@soundlinks.com
  • Cc: wai@w3.org
  • Message-ID: <41F500D9.4060105@manchester.ac.uk>
Hi Peter,

I wonder if I might request that my web browser for blind people, 
WebbIE, be included on the list of "Browsers specifically designed for 
people with disabilities" (Section 1) on


WebbIE re-presents web pages as linear text, accessible to any screen 
reader, and supports forms, frames and much JavaScript. It has been 
around for about two years now, and has several hundred users in several 
countries. It is also completely free. The WebbIE homepage is


I know there is quite a list on the W3C page, but many of those appear 
to have disappeared. The following links did not point to anything 
relevant when I tried them:
# Marco Polo
# MultiWeb
# pwWebSpeak
# WebSound
WebbIE might therefore add value to a shortened list.

If you have any queries or comments do mail or call me.

Best wishes,
Alasdair King

Alasdair King
School of Informatics
University of Manchester
+44 161 306 5832

Received on Monday, 24 January 2005 14:35:14 UTC